SHT handcrafted power cable, engineered and constructed in the USA

Power and Grounding appliances

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Science of Power Delivery

Glimpse into the Science of Power

Power conditioners are often marketed as essential tools for optimizing audio and video systems, but the truth is they are only necessary in a handful of specific situations. The primary focus should be on identifying and eliminating the source of noise in the 50-60 Hz range. When the interference falls within this AC power frequency, applying any filtering will reduce the power that your electronics need to function properly.

Consider other solutions with banks of capacitors designed to store energy for brief periods, especially during high-impact musical transients. While they may seem beneficial, these systems take time to recharge, which means a portion of the energy is not available to your equipment when it’s needed most. The fundamental principle of efficient power delivery is that your electronics require a constant and stable flow of current and voltage, with minimal fluctuations. Unfortunately, many of these alternatives consume energy themselves, which translates to less power reaching your gear.

EnKlein offers a compelling alternative by focusing on ensuring a high current flow, limited only by your building or home circuit breaker. Many active power conditioners come with built-in surge protection and additional features, but these often run on their own power, which ultimately compromises the energy available to your equipment. Even power regulators, while useful in some situations, require energy to operate, meaning your system receives even less power. 

By choosing a solution that prioritizes direct and unhindered power delivery like EnKlein, you maximize the performance of your electronics without unnecessary interruptions or energy losses.

Enklein a division of Audio Union International LLC 

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