SHT handcrafted power cable, engineered and constructed in the USA

Signature Hand-Tailored

Speaker Cables and Jumpers

Optional High Contrast Leather
MSB Amplifier with SHT power and SHT Speaker

Analog Interconnect

Speaker Cables

Power Cables

SHT Overview

Design Challenges

Speaker cabling is a unique form of

analog cabling. The environmental conditions require the amplifier to drive very low and varying resistance while supplying vast amounts of current to the speaker array.

EnKlein SHT Speaker cables have an externally visible 3-conductor array. This is misleading as the cable is designed around six vastly overlapping frequency groups based on average group delay, which is not equivalent to phase delay. 

This allows SHT speaker cables to approach a completely inert design.  This means the amplifier and speaker interact solely between themselves as the cable variance of capacitance, impedance, reactance over frequency, and time is negligible.


The SHT speaker cable's unique design incorporates a technologically superior multi-layered dielectric system to isolate every conductor from high-density near-field effects. 

The positive and negative poles between the amplifier and speaker are fully isolated. A single connection has two physically separate cables.  This allows our clients to fully control their system and interchange speakers and amplifiers without concerns about speaker cable compatibility.  

The trio of external filters, including longer copper anodes, are designed to ensure peak performance in eliminating radiated and coupled destructive waves of internal high-energy fields.

All of this and more coalesce into a client-friendly ultra-high-performance package.


Conductors: 3 distinct silver lattices operating in 6 combined modes

Effective Wire Gauge: 8 to 22 frequency dependent

Dielectric: multi-modal PTFE, Stainless & Silver foil

Shielding: Per conductor EMI/RFI internal and external 

Connector Bond: Exothermic high-temperature

Distortion preemption: Directional RJ420 energy dissipation network per conductor

Geometry: Bilateral symmetry

Base Configurations:

  • Spade is standard with optional banana
  • High Contrast Leather option, no charge
  • Customization upon request
  • Jumpers available for SHT customers only

Enklein a division of Audio Union International LLC copywrite 2024

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