High Performance Analog Interconnects

Signal Ground


Analog interconnects operate at a much lower power level compared to speaker cables, and they have a unique workload. However, the components they connect tend to have a wide range of impedance specifications, especially when integrating solid-state and tube electronics. An excellent cable design is inert between components and does not introduce any unwanted “tone” control.

The ION Analog interconnects have been carefully engineered to efficiently address these common issues for various equipment configurations, including tonearm to phono stage cabling. IONs provide exceptionally high performance, making them the best-in-class solutions well above their price point for stereo and home theater.


Conductor: Eutectic Silver

Effective Wire Gauge: 18

Dielectric: ETFE

Shielding: EMI/RFI internal and external 

Connector Bond: Exothermic bond

Distortion preemption: Directional impedance-based network.

Geometry: bilateral symmetry


RCA interconnects

  • Constructed with two identical eutectic silver conductor cores
  • Conductors are independently shielded
  • Parallel path, noninvasive noise dissipation network

XLR interconnects

  • Constructed with three identical eutectic silver conductor cores
  • Conductors are independently shielded
  • Fully symmetrical ground
  • parallel path, noninvasive noise dissipation network

Phono interconnects

  • Constructed with five identical eutectic silver conductor cores
  • Conductors are independently shielded
  • Fully symmetrical ground
  • parallel path, noninvasive noise dissipation network
  • Connectorization choices: RCA, XLR, DIN, and 90º DIN

Enklein a division of Audio Union International LLC copywrite 2024

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