
Analog Interconnects


When analyzing the electrical specifications of high-end components for analog input and output connectors, we found significant variations in product impedance, ranging from 1 to greater than 47,000 ohms from well-regarded manufacturers.

The Lydia Analog interconnects are engineered to address these common issues to achieve best-in-class performance.


Conductor: Copper Alloy

Effective Wire Gauge: 18

Dielectric: ETFE

Shielding: EMI/RFI internal and external 

Connector Bond: High-purity silver solder

Distortion preemption: Directional passive energy network

Geometry: Parallel symmetry


  • RCA cables are constructed with two symmetrical eutectic copper alloy cores.
  • XLR cables are constructed with three symmetrical eutectic copper alloy cores.

Enklein a division of Audio Union International LLC 

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