
Grounding Cables


Grounding is often overlooked in the world of audiophiles. We usually understand the importance of safety, as seen with GFCI outlets in bathrooms, which require a ground connection to prevent electric shocks.

Grounding is also crucial inside audio devices that convert high-current AC to DC. The reference point in the AC line swing affects the efficiency of diodes in converting power to DC.  EnKlein has offered grounding cables as options or included in cable systems for over a decade.  

Great Grounding = higher efficiency = increased musical enjoyment. 

EnKlein grounds are also effective for Video components.


Conductor: Copper Alloy

Effective Wire Gauge: 14 

Surge rating: 10 amps, 120VAC 2.5 meters

Dielectric: single mode with varying electronegativity

Shielding: EMI/RFI internal and external 

Connector Bond: Compression

Geometry: Symmetrical 


  • Any combination of 
    • Spade, Banana,  RCA, XLR
  • Additional cost
    • USB, RJ45 (ethernet)

Enklein a division of Audio Union International LLC copywrite 2024

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